6.3- New Beds and Babies

6.3- New Beds and Babies

(A/N: For reasons explained in the previous post, some of this post (and all of the next one) will be replayed in Chapter 72)

Told ya Glass was going to get knocked up again.

Glass: *sarcastic yay*

Isadora: I don't know where I am D:!

Quinton: Yay...second baby.

Glass: I KNOW!

Oh my God.

Everybody GTFO, can't a couple get some privacy?

Easton: Not with their baby crying...

How nice.

Easton: I wanna watch it suffer too!

Don: Ehm...

Isadora: Yeah, that's my dad. Jealous?

Don: No?


Don: Oh it's the sarcasm thingy.

Isadora: How are you my ancestor?

Really? There are so many rooms in the house where people aren't sleeping. GTFO!

Easton: I finally fed the baby...after blocking the crib so my grandson couldn't get to it! Wow, I'm awesome!


Amanda: Ow.

I love you Amanda. At least you're not clogging up Quinton's ROOM! What the hell was up with that?

Glass: Really. That's an insult. You sweet summer child....

I'm nervous...

Spoiler: It was fine.

Elin: Cos I'm a boss, lady.

Bronson: Alright, go and mourn some dude you never met and don't say goodbye to me, your husband-

Ida: Don't give me that shit, Bronson.

Bronson: SCORE! You spoke.

Elin (just offscreen): Hehehe.

Elin: I'm skipping and you're not going to do a damn thing about it.


I replaced their bed because it wasn't giving them enough energy.

Quinton stop dancing and go back to bed.

Elin: My real plan for today was to....do my homework.

Elin why.

Elin: Oh Quiiiiinton!

Quinton: *ignores*

Elin: Oh Quinton! Don't you want to be the practical example for my history project? It's on punishments!

Quinton: *stares into void*

Elin: Now little honeybunch...finish your bottle and don't you dare be sick...because I have been spending a large amount of time sharpening these spikes...aww, look how close they are to your little soft spot. Wouldn't want them there, would we?


Elin: Oh hell no! F*ck the internet, seriously...

Bronson: I hate this suiiiiit....

Oh quit whining. He got to Level 5! Very proud!

Bronson and Ida's bed is glitched. He keeps trying to sleep there, but can't! I moved the sidetables and blanket decoration thingy, which have always been OK! I dunno what...

So I bought them a new one, which I'm too annoyed to take a picture of.

Don't look at me like that, Kale.

Kale: Can't help it! I'm starving! Can't you feed a kid?

Can't you go to the fridge by yourself?

And here's Glass, who is dancing despite being about to pass out!

I am so sick of these idiots and this ridiculous game. AI, do your thing and send her bed.

Ooh...this man is gonna die. I mean, what an asshole.

(Remember last chapter)

GTFO your son's bed! IDIOTS.

Glass went to bed, only to get out of bed to ask Ida about her day! What the hell?

Ida: Try picking up some books, you plastic bitch.

Glass: I think you need a party!

Since when do you read, Ida.

Elin's hand: LOL I'm photobombing.

Elin: Toxic. I could use this.

Elin is the only one who takes care of this poor neglected child. Nobody else gives a damn. Quinton is at work and Glass is in the room...but she's a terrible mother...

She is what I term the 'Kezia' of the generation, joining spares like Elektra, Galactus and Kezia herself.


Yet more proof of the Sutherland (and spouses) stupidity. Lexie named her kids Dana and Danielle. Are you freaking kidding me.

Dana and Danielle.


LOL Elin.

Elin: Watch...*clears throat*...knock knock, evil cat! Give me your fish or die!

Should I reveal a little secret? If I hadn't wanted to use Glass so badly, and if Elin was Quinton's age or older, I would probably have used her (I had five months of Ida, I love her but I was bored). I love this little weirdo...I'm wondering whether I should break rules and keep her around.

Side note: for being evil, Elin has lots of Good Friends. Kale, both twins and both her parents. Of course she does hate Matt...but who likes HIM?

Ida is Supermum. She always gets it right the first time..,

Ida: I had six of these things, what do you expect?

True, true...

Glass, that's A. Not the most flattering shirt to wear while pregnant and B. DEFINITELY not a good shirt for the science lab. SMH.

After she left, Bronson got invited to a birthday party for one of his relatives. There should be a bar for Quinton to tend, so it's all cool. I brought Isadora, Caiphus and Lyric, along with Glass, Ida because I do love those guys and they are probably gonna die v. soon.

Problem was, the house it took place in had no furniture. None at all.

I'm trying desperately to get to Ashby's birthday and I was not even going to try and furnish ANY of that freaking huge Yuma Heights house.

So I brought 'em to the club!

At 11am.

Never mind.

Lyric: This is stupid

Caiphus: Well your face is stupid.

Bronson: No, all your faces are stupid.

Del: My life is a mess. Why have I been dragged into this?

Ida: I LOVE it when the family gets together.


Caiphus: Your bathroom is my bathroom! This is a public area!

Isadora: Not a braid out of place, not a braid out of place...

Lyric: MOVE LOSERS. I need to see my fine self.

Caiphus: As if.

Del: Haaaaiii.


Del and Quinton are still close, no matter how annoying she is. If Sim weddings had wedding parties for the bride and groom, Del would totally be in Quinton's.

Ida: DIE CAIPHUS! *stabs*

Caiphus: Yeah, I know. My notification popped this morning. Got any real news?


Caiphus: Sorry, can't. I already do that with your sister.

Del: Mum...Uncle Caiphus...is this very necessary?

Scarlett? (And Ryan too but he's offscreen)

Are you going to be at all the parties?

Scarlett: You betcha!

I didn't let her have that much fun in life, to be fair...

Lyric: Hmmph. Let me drink in peace.

Isadora: She said what to you? Oh dear...

Caiphus: Don't worry honey. It's fine. She's probably right.

Isadora: Oh, but I don't want you to die.

Bronson: *eavesdrops*

Lyric: Ugh, more jabbering idiots!

Bronson:...Zippy lippy?

*throws hands up* And now I know why I don't invite you anywhere!

Ida: Hell yeah I owned him!

Isadora: Ehm...

Caiphus: Oh you slandering little...

Del: Mum that just didn't happen.

Patricia: Woooo! Down with Cory!

Emmitt: Come on, come on, let's work this out...

Ryan: There's nothing to work out. You pretended to fall in love with my...great-granddaughter, then married someone else, then you got her pregnant, and now you've abandoned her!

Patricia: Ha, karma's a bitch, ain't it Em?

Scarlett: I'm afraid...he has to die.

Ryan: Damn right. *stab stab stab*

Scarlett: I'll go talk to little Elin...

The Sutherlands: they hate each other most of the time but if you hurt one of 'em...the others are going to make sure you go down.

Even if it's somebody stupid like Lexie.


Elin: Mum, I swear to God, if you don't stop, I will CUT you. I came down here for some motherfreaking peace.

Lol her husband does not look happy.

Brendan: Our kids have been screaming for hours, Tricia! They were your responsibility.

Patricia: Don't be such a *hic* sexist, you can look after 'em...

Brendan: I WAS AT WORK


Emmitt: Yeah...get a little closer...

Tyrell: Of course, pretty man-

Scarlett: GOD! I hope your stupid tight little trousers choke you!

Emmitt: *smirk smirk*

Patricia: Wanna hear about something REALLY ugly going down right now?

Brendan: *sigh*

Patricia: YOUR FACE

LMAO @ you two.

Emmitt: Woo! Dance, Lex, Dance!

Scarlett: So how much support does my daughter get, asshole...


Amanda: Me to the rescue. Die, boy.

Lexie: *oblivious*

Kale: OW...ohhhhh no where's my hand going? COME BACK...

Stop it you two.

Patricia: Heeeeeeehhhhh

Emmitt: Haaaaiii girl.

Patricia: My name's *hic* PATRICE, smexy!

Just stop.

Ayla: He should've married me...

I love Patricia's drama.

Brendan: Tricia get over here!

Ayla: SEE BRENDAN! I'm happy now! This is me and Carter...I'm pregnant and yeah he hasn't called me since he found out but we're happy!

Brendan: That is a blank screen...

Patricia: No way sucka! I'm free.

Emmitt: Hell yeah you are! Be free, kitten!

EWWWWW. Stahp.

Ryan: Y'know what lights? I think we really got something!

Ryan please. Go and get laid by your actual wife.

Elin: Depressed older man looking to bring his wife home? Yes please! Bartender, drop it in!

Brendan: This is making me uncomfortable...

Bronson: What fresh hell have you plotted now, daughter...lemme watch.

Ayla: I must go...he'll never love me. I was a fool- why Brendan why?

Brendan: You know damn well why!

Ayla: I only stalked you once!

Brendan: Per day. Once per day. Leave me alone.

Lexie: Oh my beautiful book...it's just you and me...

Elin (offscreen): And me, idiot! And you dropped your book.

Lexie: *gasp*


And that's when I decided we were going to go home. Emmitt, I will get you. Ayla, f off. Patricia, go the duck home. Brendan, good luck.

Grandma Ida used her action to age Ashby up!

Ida: Oh look, she disappeared.

Ashby: Check it out, I gotta hand!

She's a self assured social butterfly...yay, we'll get a milestone out of her.

Yeah, I changed it to brown. In my head, Glass's is natural but Quinton's is dyed. Yeah I know...but Glass is half alien and can do what she likes.

Ashby has been equipped with one batshit everyday outfit and a cute lil genetic mix of a face! That's Quinton's hair and skin tone, Glass's mouth, nose and eye colour, and I'm not sure who's eye shape that is, but hey. We'll find out, and the important thing is that Ashby is a success!

This update will stop when her little sibling is born...


Ashby: I jump with zen. I am the great Ashbira, imbued with delicious, delicious calm.

Her hair just exploded.

UGH stupid CC.

*back to CAS*

Kale: I'm an uncle!

Ashby: SHWEET *derps out* Wait, that's weird...

And you're not.

Kale: Hehe, touche Watcher...do you like me now?

You're sorta amusing, kid.

I should fix this.

I don't wanna.

Maybe now because Ashby's sad.

(Hehe suck it Kale I still hate you)

Ashby, that is some intense homework.

Better yet, that is actually SOME HOMEWORK being done!

Wanda: Ugh, I'm bored.

Aw come on, Wanda, it's fine...

Wanda: No it's not! Scarlett almost killed a man and Ryan made out with a light today! OH SOB! My life's real dull, ain't it?

Glass: This hurts. I shoulda never listened to that vegan on Twitter!

Lol your nonexistent nose is blending into your face.

Glass: Better the vegan than you.

Glass: Oh dear!

UGH. Here I was getting all excited about the points your baby was going to bring me and now you've negated them. Damn you, Glass.


He's actually not bad at cooking. Better than most of the other spouses I've had.

Elin you human mess.

Elin: Yeah, I know.

Quinton: My love!

Glass: Hehe, your arm looks like a wing.

O__O Kale what.

Kale: My preparation dance for stealing the wishes of others!


You're stealing nasty wet money, doofus!

Well I've never seen this before and I've had the game for a year and a half.

Just more proof that Glasston is awesome and I made the right call.


Glass: I thought it was pineapple juice *wink*


Ashby: Close your eyes Ash. It won't eat you, I promise.

What is wrong with you?

Elin: C'mere you! I need to pull out your ribbon; how else do you think I'm going to get my evil kicks?

Ashby: I love hugs with Auntie Elin!

Aww, I like hugging boa constrictors too, Ashby!

Ashby: Huh?

(Y'all know what I mean)

LOL @ all of these Day of the Dead people.

Aylin: I told myself, one drink! Why do I always get myself into these situations? Ugh, I gotta take a nap.

Back to Ashby's antics...

Ashby: I am in a counter...and you are not. Weep, Uncle.

Kale: Well now I really need water!

That's not even a burn!

Ashby: You dropped your cup! I am magic!

Kale: So you are! WOOOOOO! *claps like a seal*

Ashby: Bow to me!

Kale: OK!

Wut even are you two.

Glass: Um...how was school, tiny brother-in-law! (God that sounds weird)

Kale: She haz hand. How interesting.

Bronson: Indeed son, indeed...

Seriously what.

Five minutes later...


Kale: Never my hands are supreme!

Bronson: Hoooo boy do I love this drama.

Bronson is me. Bronson is everybody. (Except regular people don't give a damn about what Kale and Glass are discussing)

"Romantic" breakfast.

Bronson: Do you want to hear about my day.

Ida: No.

Bronson: Fine then.

Ida: Yeah. Fine.



Last time the game crashed I didn't play for three weeks. I will not do that this time.

*reopens game* I think it's about eight hours I have to replay so it's not so bad.

Glass: I'm all swirly; what is this? Do you know, wall?

I fast-forwarded through all of it.

In this version of events Glass is sick and- oh yeah- ABOUT TO PASS OUT.

Ashby's still weird though.

Ashby: You like burning steam, fingers? Yeah me too.

*grumble grumble* -5.

Ida: I can kill anything...like a box. And POTATOES

Elin: *rolls over, curses Ida's name*

Who eats at their kid's desk?

Ashby: I swoop like I do magic!

So you don't swoop?

Ashby: Well, OK. That's rude. You're rude. *whispers* We will have our revenge one day, trusty structure!

Glass: I wanted it BLUE!

Margot: Yeah, well I made it PINK!

Glass: Enjoy your sunburn then, kid.

Margot: Aren't you super pale too...?

Glass: Don't argue with me.

Margot: Whatever. I have better things to do then speak with the likes of you.

Oh snap kid.

This is Margot and she's Glass and Quinton's new child.

I'm ending it here. Next time, Glasston get married, Margot ages up...and yeah. Kale and Elin are still nowhere near GTFOing (and I'm probably keeping Elin anyway - I don't care if it's against the rules!)

Maybe Bronson will die?

Score Sheet- 50 (whai)

Single Births (17) +85
Twin Births (3) +30
Aspiration Tiers (48) +240
Aspiration (6) +60
Grade A (4) +20
Randomising everything for 1 gen (3) +30
Not using spare's satisfaction points (4) +40
Every 100,000 simoleons (3) +60
Immortalise TH (1) +5

Pass Out (66) -330
Self Wetting (18) -90
Fires (6) -60
